Reports & Results
This section is featuring the main reports and deliverables published by GO-GRASS partners, including general publications, policy recommendations and guidelines for rural entrepreneurs.
Training Kit booklet
Discover all our digital tools in a practical PDF booklet.
Public deliverables
Report: Maps of permanent grassland in the EU
Deliverable 1.1
GO-GRASS Online Decision Support Tool - User Manual
Deliverable 6.4
How to get started and succeed manual
Deliverable 8.3
GO-GRASS website and online platform
Deliverable 9.2
First Report on Communication and Dialogue Activities
Deliverable 9.4
Final Report on Communication and Dialogue Activities
Deliverable 9.8
Communication Material
In this section you can access the communication material developed for the GO-GRASS project, including logos, brochures, posters. All press and news releases produced within the project will be uploaded here for media partners.
GO-GRASS results brochure (EN)
The English version of our GO-GRASS results brochure.
GO-GRASS general brochure (EN)
The English version of our GO-GRASS general brochure.
GO-GRASS general brochure (other languages)
Download our general brochure in Spanish, Romanian, Dutch, Danish, German, Hungarian
Kick-off press release
Discovering the diverse potential of our forgotten grassland
You will find here different versions of the project logo
Scientific Publications
Key scientific results of the GO-GRASS project will be presented in this section in the form of peer-reviewed publications. Stay tuned to discover our next scientific reports!
Supportive Business Environments to Develop Grass Bioeconomy in Europe
Orozco et al. 2021
Readiness for Innovation of Emerging Grass-Based Businesses
Orozco et al. 2022
Practice Abstracts
The GO-GRASS mid-term practice abstracts summarise the project’s key findings and best practices for the development of innovative and replicable business models, around grassland-based agri-food systems. Abstracts serve to facilitate contact and share information between farmers, businesses and advisors. Discover the four factsheets:
First Series
Practice abstract: Swedish Demo
The Swedish DEMO is using briquetting technology combined with shredding technology to produce animal bedding using reed canary grass.
Practice abstract: German Demo
The German DEMO targets biochar via the Hydrothermal Carbonisation of grassland-cuttings from wetlands as supplement for soil improvement.
Practice abstract: Dutch Demo
The Dutch DEMO aims to develop digester and fermentation technology to produce paper products from road-side grass.
Practice abstract: Danish Demo
The Danish DEMO aims to develop small-scale bio-refining technology to extract protein concentrates for monogastric animals from grasslands.
Second Series
Practice abstract 01
Production of protein concentrates - Biorefinery process and methodology
Practice abstract 02
Business Plan Writer Tool
Practice abstract 03
Roadside grass cleaning technology
Practice abstract 04
Grass cellulose fibres
Practice abstract 05
Process for manufacturing grass cellulose to substitute wood cellulose in paper products
Practice abstract 06
How to get started and succeed manual
Practice abstract 07
GO-GRASS Training Kit
Practice abstract 08
Online platform and interactive maps
Practice abstract 09
Biochar from grass
Practice abstract 10
Local, heat treated, quality assured reed canary grass animal bedding
Outreach &
Media Coverage
Discover in which media in Europe GO-GRASS has already been featured.
A rural renaissance: How EU research is breathing new life into rural areas
Rural Connections Magazine (ENRD) //
May 2022; p.15
Græs er det nye spisekammer for dyr – og sandsynligvis også mennesker
Okologisk Landbrug (print only) //
May 27th 2022, nr.676; p10-11
Gras - viele ungenutzte Möglichkeiten
BAUERNZEITUNG (print only) //
week 41 2022, p.46-47
Klimatsmart stallströ på väg att lanseras
December 2022; p.116-121
Closing the lopp
Agrinnovation Magazine //
May 2023, Issue 9; p.19
Proteinpulver aus Gras für Schwein und Huhn
BWagrar //
May 2023; p.6-8
Could we get better nutrion from grass?
EuroScience //
July 2023
Mähgut von öffentlichen Flächen – Rohstoff oder Abfall?
B_I Medien //
September 2023
Rörflen som klimatsmart stallströ
Lantbrukarnas Riksförbund //
September 2023
Greener pastures: grasslands’ environmental and economic potential
Horizon Magazine //
December 2023
Papier maken van Gras
Wageningen World //
December 2023
Bringing paper packaging out of the woods
Packaging Europe //
January 2024
Gras - Neuer Rohstoff für T-Shirts und mehr von der grünen Wiese
Deutschlandfunk Nova (in German)
Boomvrij papier van vers gemaaid gras
npo radio 1 (in Dutch)
WUR Lelystad ontwikkelt papier van 100% gras
Radio Lelystad (in Dutch) - YouTube
Bread, Butter & Bioeconomy - Lunchtalk: "Echt krass: alles aus Gras?"
YouTube Lunch-Talk from Leibniz-Institut für Agrartechnik und Bioökonomie (ATB), Potsdam (in German)
WISFORUM: Gras und Pilze – Nein, nicht was Sie denken.
YouTube Live-Stream of WISFORUM event from proWissen Potsdam (in German)
Iarba de pe marginea drumului poate fi cheia unor afaceri de succes. Ce se poate face cu ea
Știrile PRO TV (in Romanian)
Græs kan mere, end du tror
YouTube channel Food & Bio Cluster Denmark (in Danish)
TVG-A Revista explicando as novidades do proxecto europeo GO-GRASS
YouTube channel Agaca coop (in Galician)